
What does it mean to not love the world?

The Bible warns against loving the world and its sinful ways, guided by the Devil. As believers, we are called to oppose sin and embrace righteousness, focusing on God's kingdom. Our transformation in Christ shifts our priorities from worldly pursuits to eternal values. Idolizing worldly things hinders our spiritual growth and service to God.


What is Christian Discipleship?

This content emphasizes the principles of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. It highlights the importance of putting Jesus first, following His teachings, showing love for others, and engaging in evangelism. The key aspects include obedience, love, and spreading the Gospel to fulfill the Great Commission. The core message is about living a life dedicated to Christ and His teachings.


Who Are The Brethren?

The Brethren, a group of Christian believers, emphasize the Bible as their highest authority and fellowship independently in local assemblies. Notable figures associated with the movement include W.E.Vine, George Muller, and John Nelson Darby. The Brethren uphold traditional Christian doctrines, practice baptism by immersion, and observe the Lord’s Supper weekly. They also maintain a dispensational, pre-tribulation, and premillennial theological stance.