
The Blessing and Curse of Autism

The author shares their lifelong experience with autism, specifically Asperger's Syndrome, highlighting challenges with social situations, academic focus, and sensory sensitivities. Despite these obstacles, the individual attributes their passion for learning and writing to their autism. They express gratitude for the support that has helped them manage anxiety and depression, ultimately embracing their unique identity with both struggles and gifts.


Sins That Are Destroying Society

The BBC News article "Why a booze-free month may be the perfect start to 2018" highlights the benefits of Dry January, including weight loss, better sleep, and savings. However, the author emphasizes the need for spiritual nourishment alongside physical care. The post also discusses the societal impact of issues such as drug abuse, alcohol, gambling, sexual immorality, violence, and parenting. Ultimately, it urges individuals to seek guidance from God's teachings.


Separation From The World.

The passage from Ephesians emphasizes living in love and light, while cautioning against immorality and deception. It criticizes the Church of England's deviations from biblical doctrine, highlighting acceptance of ungodly practices. The need for believers to separate from worldly influences and uphold biblical principles is stressed, promoting a godly lifestyle and obedience to God's Word.


Reasons Why Pornography Is Wrong

The post discusses the negative impacts of pornography, emphasizing its unrealistic portrayal of sex, mental and spiritual harm, objectification of men and women, and addictive nature. It highlights the importance of self-control, the damaging effects on relationships, and offers practical advice for overcoming this addiction. Ultimately, it stresses that shielding oneself from pornography can deepen real relationships and strengthen intimacy in marriage.